Monday, May 20, 2013

Dear Heart

Today you are gonna sit here
Still. Silent. Only watching
Today you will try to get out of yourself
Gagged. Unable to speak
And in your silence you'll realise
That palm leaves aren't exactly linear and green

As you take your last step off the stoep
You'll erase that imaginary demarcation
Between the natural and that which art has made
And concrete will become a simulated whole
Of small stones beaten into partiality by water from below
And the blue summer skies that you see will soon be lost
In the greyness of rain clouds now in the horizon

Dear heart
Today you will just sit there
Not saying a word
And of course not dying

Let's see, dear heart

What  woould happen if you were to watch
Without a word
These white rose flowers blooming
Held by dying stems
Whose greenness coils away
Waiting for sunset

We shall have this conversation
Just me and you

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